Visual Basic Source Code
Visual Basic Source Code.iso
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The Zmodem source code that makes up TXZM originated as a
project to add all the common protocols to the MCOMM Async
Library. Due to other responsibilities, I have had to put the
project on hold but have completed enough of it to be useful.
The code is 100% functional and very efficient. The
documentation leaves a lot to be desired -- this is it. The
present code is fairly easy to use in spite of the impression you
may get when you look at the TXZM.C source file. The following
documentation in conjunction with the source code will enable you
to use the code as long as you know something about what you are
The code and libraries for the SERIAL and VIDEO functions in
the registered version of MCOMM may not be distributed in whole
or in part. This includes all the COMM_?.LIB libraries and all
source code that pertains to the serial I/O or video functions.
End user programs developed using those libraries, however, may
be distributed and are completely royalty free.
The ZMODEM code that makes up TXZM and is part of the
registered version of MCOMM (zmdos.c, zfunc.asm, batch.c, and
xyzgen.c) also MAY NOT be distributed, nor any libraries
distributed that were created with those source codes other than
the small model library that is in the shareware version of
MCOMM. You may use the code in any non-competing software
product without royalty. You may use any of the non-ZMODEM
specific functions (ZMODEM specific functions are those contained
in zmdos.c and zfunc.asm) that are part of the TXZM demo without
royalty for any end user programs developed. You MAY NOT
distribute ANY of the TXZM demo other than as provided in the
shareware versions and then only with all accompanying files that
make up the shareware product. Specifically prohibited is use of
this ZMODEM source code, in whole or in part, to enhance a
competitor's communications library (this includes DOOR libraries
and communication libraries developed for other languages or
operating systems). As long as you stick with end user
applications that are not specifically and primarily a protocol
driver, you are not required to pay any royalties. Fully
developed terminal programs such as Procomm, Telix, Crosstalk,
etc. are not primarily protocol drivers and therefore are NOT
considered competing products. Neither are BBS systems, mail
doors (not mail door libraries), or similar products considered
competing products with TXZM.
In regard to the MCOMM Async Library, the ZMODEM code that
makes up TXZM is provided as a demo -- not as a integral part of
the product. If you can use it, it is there. If you can't, I
will attempt to answer any reasonable questions but due to the
complexity of the code, the lack of precise documentation I have
been able to develop, and the wide range of skill levels of
programmers, I cannot provide unlimited support. This limited
documentation and the TXZM source code is all you get. It is up
to you to figure out what to do with it. This does not apply to
the serial library itself -- only the zmodem code.
How it Works
TXZM.C is a shell for the real zmodem driver code. This
module does nothing more than provide a means of generating the
list of file names to be transferred and handling messages from
the low level zmodem code. It's complex appearance is due to the
added functions not normally considered part of zmodem itself
such as the ability to create and recurs subdirectories, the
terminal mode, shell to DOS, DesqView and DoorWay support, etc.
Another factor in its apparent complexity is the elaborate (at
least more elaborate than usual) means of displaying file
transfer status combined with an attempt to keep from linking in
the floating point system for calculations that really could use
floating point math.
This implementation of zmodem requires you set some initial
flags and variables such as current baud rate, what to do in the
event of a file name collision when receiving, etc., and then
call either ZSendFile or ZRecvFile. From then on the low level
code takes over. Your application then must handle (or ignore)
messages generated by the low level code. This messages are
directed to a function you must have in your program called ZMsg.
Messages are generated at the end of every file and block, when
errors occur, when zmodem headers are sent or received, when a
name clash occurs, when the code is setting waiting for
characters or the transmit buffer to empty, etc. The low level
code itself puts NOTHING on the screen. That is the function of
ZMsg. ZMsg also can do special handling in the event of name
collisions and during initialization of a file transfer. When
ZMsg is called a number of global variables are available and are
used to determine status and display messages. For specifics,
refer to TXZM.C and ZMDOS.H. (Functions in TXZM.C except 'main'
appear in alphabetic order).
The low level zmodem code was developed using Chuck
Forsberg's Zmodem documentation and by referring to his public
domain zmodem source code for Unix. It is not a simple "port" of
his code, however. I used the documentation and the source to
extract the logic of what was going on and completely rewrote
most of it. This version has no goto's, is very streamlined and
straight forward, uses tables, block I/O, and a little assembler
to speed things up, and has several enhancements. There are both
ASM and C versions of three of the key functions. Both the ASM
and C versions are identical functionally. They are the function
to receive a block (ZRecvPacket), the function to send a block
(ZTxBlock), and the function to receive a character with zmodem
processing (ZRxChar). To use the C version, define NO_ASM on the
command line when compiling ZMDOS.C (this requires you have the
source which comes with the registered version of MCOMM). If you
are a C programmer and want to see what the ASM is doing, you can
look at the C version in ZMDOS.C. The C version of the code is
only capable of running at around 80000 baud on an 8 MHz 286
whereas the assembler version will run at 110000 baud. The
assembler version is what is in the MCOMM shareware demo.
The TXZM demo will compile with MSC, Borland or Turbo C, and
Zortech C. The 3 assemblerized functions will assemble with
either MASM or TASM. All code can be generated for any memory
model, except the ASM will not work with a Borland C or TC HUGE
model program. They do funny stuff with the DS register in their
HUGE model and I didn't want to work around it. To compile the
shareware demo:
Borland or Turbo C
bcc txzm.c xyzgen.c zcmplr.c zmlib_s.lib comm_s.lib
Microsoft C or Quick C